#Syria| news from Aleppo

Al-Assad forces in Al-Hadher town shelled by the artillery Al-Eiss town in the southern countryside of #Aleppo #AleppoAMC

Heavy clashes between & near Hazwan & Abla villages in the outskirts of town, eastern countryside of

Heavy clashes between & near Hazwan & Abla villages in the outskirts of town, eastern countryside of

Artillery shelling by Al-Assad regime forces on Kafar Hamra and Asia in the northern countryside of

Al-Assad regime forces in Handarat village targeted with mortars Hrytan city in the northern countryside of#Aleppo.

War on water between Daesh who has cut the supply to Aleppo and the regime.


#Syria random news as reported for 14/02/2017


  • Wounded civilians, caused by heavy bombardment of Assad’s forces with surface land on neighborhoods #Daraa_alBalad.
  • Assad’s forces targeted “Phil type” missiles on the liberated neighborhoods of #Daraa_al_Balad.
  • Assad’s forces targeted artillery shelling on the eastern countryside town of #Giza.
  • Free Army declared the bombardment of weapons and ammunition belonging to Assad’s forces inside #Mansheya warehouse in the city.
  • Russian warplanes launched several raids on the eastern countryside town of #Naemah.
  • Assad’s forces renewed “Phil type” missile targeting of the #Daraa_al_Balad neighborhoods


clashes between rebels and Assad are on the front of the town of #crossbow and #alight with belt region of #meadow in the #eastern _ Ghouta, Dieter accompanied by heavy shelling targeting region.

#Deir_al_Ezzor :

  • Warplanes launched 2 air raids on the eastern countryside city of #Muhassan.

#Homs :

  • Wounded civilians, as a result of Assad forces launching RPG rockets on #Rastan city.


  • Russian warplanes launched several air raids at dawn today on the town and the villages of #Al_Tamanah #Traei the southern countryside in addition to the parties #Shoghour village in the western countryside of #Jisr_al_Shoghour city.


  • The revolutionists destroyed an Assad forces vehicle,using tank shells #Talah_Rashaw in the #Jabal_alAkrad countryside, killing both inside.


News not reported by the LCCSy:

  • SDF has shelled KalJibrin.
  • FSA targets SDF in UmHush in retaliation to the shelling on Tal Rifaat
  • 5 killed in alBab : 3 children and 2 adults. (LCC alBab)
  • #Breaking news: #VBIED exploded in Sheikh Jacoub village in the east of Al-Raai village in northeasterly countryside of #Aleppo #AleppoAMC
  • shelled by the artillery ‘Marea’ town in the northern countryside of #Aleppo
  • Assad’s forces based on alArbaeenia mount shells the village of barada.
  • Assad’s forces inside the military academy shell the village of KafrNaha.
  • Assad’s forces shell Hayan with rockets.
  • A protest in Al-Tareb town in the occasion of the anniversary of the assault of Al-Assad forces on the town.
  • Al-Assad regime forces in Maresta Alkhan town shelling by the artillery Hayyan and Tal Mosebeen in the northern countryside of #Aleppo.
  • Al-Assad regime forces in Alhadher shelling by the artillery Al Eis town in the southern countryside of #Aleppo.
  • The fighter jets targeted with several air strikes “Altamanaa and Torey” in the southern countryside of #Aleppo.
  • Al-Assad regime forces in ‘Al-Arbaeenia’ mountain shelled by the artillery ‘Houber’ village in southern countryside of #Aleppo.
  • Unknown fighters raided which belongs to , killed 2 guards.
  • FSA has blasted a VBIED in Mar Anaz at the heart of QASAD compound.

  • #Usud alShariqiya launched surprise attack on in region, killed 8 fighters.

Deir Ezzor

  • Regime brought more reinforcement from the airports of and , several Helicopters landed.
  • Tragic situation experienced by sons of countryside especially after the electrical and water outage almost 2 months.
  • #ISIS preparing to the second phase of liberating province battle, mobilizing equipment and water bridges.





Local coordination committees in #Syria

Local coordination committees in Syria with the end of Monday 13/2/2017 has documented 44 martyrs in Syria among them 10 ladies, 3 CHILDREN AND 3 Martyrs under torture

  • 21 martyrs in #Aleppo spent the artillery shelling and Turkish AF on #alBab
  • 10 martyrs in #daraa clashes with Assad’s forces shelling on the city.
  • 6 Martyrs in #idlib
  • 3 Martyrs in #Damascus _ and suburbs
  • 2 Martyrs in #Deir _ ezzor
  • 2 Martyrs in #Homs

#Syria news as reported for 15/12/2016 via LCCSy

Mass forced displacement of eastern Aleppo residents to the western Syria. Continue reading

#alimdah, #alkhudir, #al_midfaeiat_quraa, #al_salur, #al_tal, #al_zawwar, #damascus_countryside, #daraa, #deir_ezzor, #fuaa, #hama, #hrak, #ibtaa, #idlib, #jabal_al_akrad, #jabal_turkman, #jabal_zahih, #jurra, #kabanah, #kafra_sinjah, #kefraya, #latakia, #marhet_al_harmah, #marret_al_nouman, #najia, #tal_mahs, #zakat

Local Coordination Committees in #Syria documented 67 martyrs

by the end of Wednesday 13/12/2016 the local coordination committees documented 67 martyrs in Syria includes 13 children, 7 women and one martyr under torturing.
37 martyrs in #Hama killed by the bombing with Sarin gas in #Grouh village few days ago.
19 martyrs in #Aleppo
5 martyrs in #Raqqa
4 martyrs in #Homs
one martyr in #Idleb
and one martyr in #Latakia