#Syria Babilla Red cross delivers food people jumping…

#Syria, Babilla, Red cross delivers food – people jumping on food boxes.

#babilla, #red-cross

#Syria, What happened in Babilla ? Did Daesh liberate the town or at least a building ?

Translation LCC Babilla

“Important clarification concerning what has been dealt in the medias
about Daesh liberating Babilla and kicking out the regime forces and FSA.
We confirm that news are not accurate…
The town is still liberated and FSA still controls totally the town,
and there is no regime forces’s presence inside the town to Daesh to liberate it.

What happened is as follows: A protest by Daesh’s partisans happened
at the local council (municipality) buiding and lifted the Daesh’s flag and burned the regime’s one…
then went back to their enclaves in Yalda, after shoting bullets in the air.
There is a Daesh in Yalda and is one of the groups who has agreed to to the truce in Yalda”


#babilla, #bebila, #daesh, #damascus-suburbs, #isis, #truce

#Syria, "Maria Al Assad" in Babilla

The true “Maria Al Assad” face who was exchanging sweet eyes with the so called FSA fighter (funny he has a black scarf on the head. Have you seen a FSA with a black scarf ? ”

in arabic

#babilla, #damascus-suburbs, #shabbiha, #truce

#Sytria, Damascus Rif, Babilla, regime propaganda

The men on the screen are not FSA but shabbiha from Qarfa :
These are their names :
Ali AlKabed’s brother who was killed a while ago in a special operation inside the village of Qarfa
His cousins (on the father side) among them : (Ammar AL Kabed aka Abu Hawa) and they belong to the popular comittee in Qarfa – Pls spread.

هؤلاء الذين يظهرون في الصورة هم شبيحة من بلدة قرفا والآن متواجدون في ببيلا بريف دمشق وتم ظهورهم على شاشات الإعلام على أساس أنهم جيش حر..
لتعرفوا من هم الذين في الصورة من بينهم أخو الشبيح علي الكايد الذي تم قتله منذ فترة بعملية نوعية داخل بلدة قرفا وكما يظهر في الصورة أولاد عمه منهم ( عمار الكايد الملقب أبو حوا ) وهم من اللجان الشيعية بقرفا ..

#babilla, #bebila, #damascus-rif, #regime-lies, #regime-propaganda

#Syria, Babilla, FSA says in a video – this a fighter respit and we are still controlling the area and deployed on all front lines.

#Syria, FSA speaks in Babilla – denies yesterday regime report and says that it is a cease fire for the sake of the civilians. They have agreed for the regime news to enter and take pictures during one hour and leave after.

Who are the NFD ?

  • They are civilians, some were FSA and left the FSA
  • Regime is not controlling this area. FSA is still controlling the entire area

What are the reasons that pushed the southern area such as Al Moadamiya, Barza, Beit Sahm to ask for a cease fire ?

  • As I told you, we have been besieged for more than an year and 10s have died of starvation and were feeding themselves with weeds. They were eating all kinds of meat. No medicines. We asked the world to open a road but we did not have any answer.

Does FSA consider this truce means a reconciliation ?

  • Indeed, We can consider it as a fighter rest

Regime have shown pictures of smiling rebels with the regime forces and said that they are FSA?

  • They have no relation with the FSA at all. FSA is still at the fronts and did not approach any of the regime forces.

You say that they are not the FSA ? We have seen their pictures as FSA in the past ?

  • They are civilians. They were FSA and left the FSA; They only. represent themselves

Do you want to send a message to those who accused the FSA of treason ?

  • My message to them is : we are still holding the frontlines until victory and the fall of the regime

The video

#fsa, #babilla, #bebila, #truce