‘FSA’ Actions #Syria Updates for the past 24…

‘FSA’ Actions #Syria
Updates for the past 24 hours
Aleppo | Regime warplanes have launched several raids on the vicinity of Aleppo central prison near Almsallamiyyeh town. Assad forces are fiercely shelling the area with heavy artillery as they intensely clash with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the area.

Aleppo | Fierce clashes between the Islamic Battalions and regime forces the old city’s districts.
Alqunaitirah | Alhijjeh | The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Islamic battalions have destroyed a regime a tank and a BMP armored vehicle during clashes with Assad forces near the town. A number of regime soldiers were killed during the clashes.
Dar’aa | Alharrah | The Free Syrian Army (FSA) has targeted regime dens stationed in the Military Security detachment and the barrack to the south of the city with mortar shells resulting in direct hits.

Dar’aa | Nawa | The Free Syrian Army (FSA) has targeted regime forces stationed at Tal Ahish on the outskirts of the city with mortar shells resulting in a direct hit.
Deir Ezzor | Clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Assad forces resume in Arrashdiyah district in Deir Ezzor city.

Deir Ezzor | Ongoing clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces in Assinaa district and the outskirts of Harabesh one
Hama: Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces in Hwer area north of Souran city

Hama: FSA targets regime forces at Tal- Bzam
Homs | Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces on the outskirts of Krak des Chevaliers city and Azzarah township in a new attempt by regime forces to storm into the area amid fierce artillery and warplane bombardment on both areas.

Homs | Fierce regime shelling on Krak des Chevaliers city and Azzarah township amid ongoing clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces on the outskirts of Azzarah to storm into the area.

Homs: Krak des Chevaliers: Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces in Zara village surroundings

Homs | Talbeeseh | Clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Assad forces are occurring in the vicinity of the city, near Mallook checkpoint.

Homs | Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces on the outskirts of Krak des Chevaliers city and Azzarah township in a new attempt by regime forces to storm into the area amid fierce artillery and warplane bombardment on both areas.

Homs | Fierce regime shelling on Krak des Chevaliers city and Azzarah township amid ongoing clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces on the outskirts of Azzarah to storm into the area.

Homs: Krak des Chevaliers: Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces in Zara village surroundings

Homs | Talbeeseh | Clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Assad forces are occurring in the vicinity of the city, near Mallook checkpoint.
Idlib | Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and regime forces on the international highway between Khan Sheikhoon and Maarrit Annuman cities amid fierce regime artillery and rocket shelling on several townships in the area.
Local Coordination Committees in Syria.
Shaam News Network (SNN)
