#Syria n Muslim Brotherhood promise new party

The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has announced the conclusion of its political consultations over the formation of a new political party named the National Constitution and Freedom Party, to be known by its Arabic name, Waad (The Promise).
Bayanouni revealed that the party’s deputy leader will be a Christian.

third of the membership of the new party will be allocated to Muslim Brothers, a third to other Islamists, and the final third to liberal and nationalist figures. He added that the party would be a liberal, nationalist party, open to all sections of society, but based on Islamic principles.

The Syrian Brotherhood limited the party’s principles to 10 points, revolving around the concepts of equality, justice, dignity and freedom, democratic mechanisms and Islamic scholarship. The party will also adopt the revolution’s objectives, promote the unity of the Syrian people and territory, and adopt just causes, including supporting Palestine.

The rest of the article: http://www.aawsat.net/2013/11/article55321732

#muslim-brotherhood, #poltical-party, #waad